Making time for 3 parrots


This kind of love is NOT seen in my bird rooms 😦




I call them parrots.  Which they all technically are, and though I’ve never had a medium or large parrot, these little ones take enough of my time already!  A parrotlet, a lovebird, and a budgie.  

Originally, the lovebird, Henry, and the parrotlet, Domo, got along great.  They would sleep together, eat together, preen each other, but then they hit a point, possibly in one or the other’s sexual maturity, that Domo started refusing to be near Henry, and Henry started plucking.  And so I came to put them in separate rooms, and Henry plucks his tail, sides and neck and hasn’t stopped.  

Then along came Squirt, the budgie.  I adopted her from a friend of a friend of a friend.  She’s a pretty dainty little thing, I had my fingers crossed that maybe Henry and her could get along.  That ended up with a broken toe for the poor new girl due to my lack of attention.  And so Henry was separated again.  Squirt and Domo were doing pretty good for a while – I could tell they were hanging out together while I wasn’t around because of the lack of pinfeathers on Domo’s head and the telltale poop sites.  Now Squirt has been laying eggs –  almost weekly now.  And Domo has become so possessive of me that she is attacking Squirt when I am out of the room.  Henry definitely has some sexual frustration as I had to take away a few of his toys that he started regurgitating on and humping.  

A new plan is needed.

Here is the new plan:

separate all 3 birds – one bird to the small bird room free to fly only part of the day, one to the big bird room and free to fly all day, and one in the living room to be social and interact with people.  Rotate them over the 3 weeks, and then on the fourth week, I will put all 3 of them, inside their cages, in the big bird room so they can chatter to each other.  

I will update in a month, so I can keep up on progress.  I really started slacking with my birds over the last few months because it is so discouraging to have so many issues I cannot seem to resolve.  But patience and determination are key.  

Wish me luck!

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