Table flip (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

My third time sitting down and playing League of Legends yesterday. The first two times, I tried coop vs comp, and then pvp, but dear god did I suck and felt bad for my teammates. This time, I figured out how to play by myself with bots to hunker down and learn this game. I played 4 games, all which lasted nearly an hour, and all of which I lost. Badly.

I tried the freebie characters first, then I bought Ashe. I thought I was doing ok, but as the game wore on, the end was near. And I lost again. But this is setting my stubbornness in motion. I will learn to beat this game! All this ganking, leashing, carrying, etc. So much lingo for a video game.

Gonna try to get my girlfriends to come play a custom game with me so we can learn to kick ass together!

